I am Kajal, a blogger who wants to write about emotions, love, and mental health. 

Sometimes Life is tough and heavy under the waves of emotions, conflict, and mental frustration. But acknowledging them helps us to understand our own needs. 

In those days the hope is the only thing we’re searching for.

For all those, I understand hope works as a candle in the dark rooms. And I put my blog with a vision to be that candle. I may not be able to light up everyone but at least I must try. That’s what I am doing.

If you’re reading this please take my warm welcome to my website. To a world similar to everything but yet different in many ways. If you manage to come here go ahead and read something and explore it. Feel free to share your views. I would love to know and improve!!

Yours sincerely;

Blogger – Kajal!!

the wound is the place where the light gets in”. ~ Rumi!!

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